Category Archives: Crystals
Unveiling the Ancient Healing Power of Lodestones
In our modern world of advanced medicine and technology, it’s easy to overlook the ancient healing practices that have stood the test of time. Among these ancient healing modalities lies a fascinating tradition that spans across civilizations: the use of lodestones for healing.
Lodestones, naturally occurring magnetic rocks, have captivated human imagination for centuries. In ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, Rome, and China, lodestones were revered for their purported healing properties. These magnetic marvels were believed to possess mystical energies capable of promoting health, warding off illness, and even protecting against negative forces.
Ancient peoples incorporated lodestones into various healing practices and rituals. One common belief was that wearing or carrying lodestones as amulets or talismans could confer protection and promote well-being. Additionally, lodestones were placed directly on the body at specific points believed to correspond to areas of pain or illness. It was thought that the magnetic field produced by the lodestone could draw out toxins, alleviate discomfort, and facilitate healing.
Lodestones found their way into the practices of traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In these systems, lodestones were sometimes used as part of herbal remedies or therapeutic concoctions, believed to enhance the efficacy of the remedies and support the body’s natural healing processes.
Some ancient healing traditions incorporated lodestones into massage techniques or healing rituals. Practitioners would move the lodestone over the body, often in conjunction with oils or other natural remedies, with the belief that the magnetic field produced by the lodestone could stimulate circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote overall well-being.
While modern science may not support all of the claims made about the healing properties of lodestones, their historical significance remains undeniable. The enduring fascination with lodestones serves as a reminder of humanity’s deep connection to the natural world and our ongoing quest for health and well-being.
In conclusion, the ancient healing power of lodestones offers a glimpse into the rich tapestry of human history and our enduring fascination with the mysteries of the natural world. While the practices of our ancestors may seem quaint or even fantastical by modern standards, they remind us of the timeless quest for health, healing, and spiritual harmony that unites us across cultures and centuries.
5 Fun Breezy Summer Tips and Trends :)
Things are heating up, and having recently transplanted to Southern California, I am beginning to sense the shift into Summer. The first day of summer is officially June 21, so get ready to pamper yourself and melt into a nice fun pace.
- Epsom salt baths are a truly wonderful way to relieve stress. Epsom salt is not technically salt but rather the minerals magensium and sulfate. Running a nice warm bath with these magnesium flakes is a great way to refresh and re-charge after a long day. Whether your body is sore from working out, or you’re feeling the need to decompress after a long day of something that brought up lots of emotions, Epsom salts can help cleanse and clear the body of sticky tension sitting in the body ready to be released. Light a candle, and indulge in some self-loving. I like Life-Flo pure magnesium flakes, they melt in the bath and have a great texture that readily dissolves. Add some essential oils, and allow for some YOU time.
2. Speaking of essential oils , my life has been truly enhanced and improved by the installment of various aromatherapy practices. I feel an immediate sense of peace and calm when I drop some essential oils into my diffuser, turn on some mood lighting and allow my mind to settle after a long day. Take a look at my article, regarding the tested scientific backing behind the science of aromatherapy.
I am a huge fan of vetiver because of it’s musky and earthy scent. I enjoy the Young Living Essential Oils because they are such high quality that you can drink them. Believe me, for those of you that know essential oils, it is rare to find such a high quality oil that you can drink, so this is a reason I greatly support this product. I enjoy using their diffusers as well. Two oils that I have been deeply enjoying are Rare Essence OM blend that promotes calming and inner peace through the scent of frankincense, patchouli, cedarwood, and tangerine, and of course the classic, Vetiver oil. These products, are not drinkable, but they are a little easier on the budget and great for diffusing. 🙂
3. House plants are another great and soothing healthy resource to incorporate into life. They cheer up a home and bring life and comfort to a space. There are many plants that can survive indoors off limited light and will thrive inside your home. I can’t stress enough the value of bringing some greenery into the house. Some plants do better in different rooms of the house, so check out this article to see what plants thrive where: The Best Plants For Every Room of the House.
I recently bought some English Ivy which I’m keeping on a ledge in my shower with the hopes that it will live there happily and allow for it’s vines to sexily unfold into our showerspace. Also, in our bathroom I’ve put some classic Aloe, which for the nature of this article is GREAT, as many of us know for, SunBurns! It’s great to keep aloe on hand and to break off a little piece of the plant after a long day of lounging in the sun on a summer day. It also provides great relief from Poison Ivy. Ahhhh….
4. Free Activities! I feel like over the summer every one is out sunning their buns. With that being said there are often tons of great free activities to participate in. You just need to know where to look. Whether it may be a romantic free movie in the park, or yoga session, free is sexy and fun! If you currently reside in the Denver area, take a look at this great article loaded with tips that showcase 10 Free To-Do Summer activities . In addition, for those of you in San Francisco, SF Fun Cheap is a database that has tons of free and cheap activities in the Bay Area. Lastly, for those of you living in the LBC (Long Beach County) take a peek at Yoga on the Bluff Yoga through Yogalution, they host free yoga outside EVERY DAY. What are your favorite free summer activites?
5. This bathing suit, because can it get any cuter?
Enjoy your summer lovelies.
Stone of Transformation
Imagination. Intuition. Creativity.
- Demand respect, mesmerize the viewer
- Sooth and welcome
- Personifies the deep healing green of nature; represents innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots and plants
- Assists one in changing situtations/ aid you to take action/ clear blocks and obstructions
- Draws out impurities, stimulates life force
- Protect against evil eye and negative entities
- Cure stomach ailments
- Enhance visionary power
- Ancient Greeks and Romans used it for jewelry, ornaments, and eye-shadow
- Russian czars used it to panel their castles
- Protects against noise, over-bright lighting
- Creates a strong energetic boundary/ strengthens the auric field
- Aids creativity
- Alert you to the approach of danger
- Heart chakra/ stabilize chakras
- Encourages loyalty in partnerships and faithfulness
- Helps you open your heart to others
- Power of coincidence and synchronicty
- Ease the transformation from life to death

Chakrubs – The Original Sex Toy Company
“Chakrubs are sex toys made from 100% pure crystal that bring a sense of sacredness to your playtime. These beautiful, hand-crafted tools are created with the intention of opening oneself up to the healing properties crystals provide. Crystals have perfect molecular structures that have positive effects on our electro-magnetic fields. When our energetic bodies are at ease, we are at ease, we are open to healing, to peace, to love, to all of life’s pleasures.”
Ooooh lala
Ch ch ch check them out, here.
Moonstone (gemstone)
Love. Power. Healing. Luck.
- The stone of the goddess, Diana
- The power of mystery
- Talisman of the inward journey
- Going deep into self and retrieving what is missing
- Travelers Stone: amulet of protection for travelers (especially at night or upon the water)
- Calms and encourages
- Teaches us the natural rhythm of life
- Sacred stone in India- often given as wedding gifts to lovers
- Reconcile estranged lovers
- Cure sleeplessness
- Uplifting quality of hope
- Enhance personality
- Feldspar mineral
- Opens the heart to nurturing qualities and acceptance of love
- Love, eroticism, kundalini
- Ultimate fertility crystal
- Aids dancers in self-expression
- Necklace worn during love making at the full moon harmonizes body into natural lunar cycle
- Help calm responses and stress, avoid overreaction
- Enhances sensitivity and intuition
Selenite (mineral)
Unconscious. Instinct. Subconscious. Emotional Well-being.
- Comes from the Greek word Selene, meaning moon.
- Water energy, flexibility
- Sweet Angel Stone: Contact and communicate with angels and spirit guides for guidance. Bring light down from the higher realms.
- Removes energy blocks from physical and etheric bodies
- Can clear energy and enhance energy of other crystals
- Protection grid, ameliorate EMF
- Gypsum
- Psychic: Influence clarity of third eye chakra
- Access past lives, do past life work, activate dormant abilities
- Clairvoyance and clairaudience
- It’s a stone for mental clarity, and enables strong decision making abilities. Connect to the Divine Mind.
- Ease meditation and spiritual development
- Sparkle clear meditation
- Clarity to spiritual understanding and place in the world
- Stone of truth and honesty
- Good Business Practices
- Dispel Negativity
- Promote fertility
- Increase libido
- Dissolve Alzheimers
- Assists with the absorption of calcium
- Protector of pregnancy and motherhood
- Crown, Third Eye and Sacral Chakra