Tag Archives: cycles

Menstruation and Moon Cycle: 101

Interestingly, many women cycle with the moon. We all know about ‘syncing’ up with people that you are close with and live with. This is something I would like to do more research on. But one thing, that many people don’t know, is the frequency in which women’s cycle sync with the moon.


Mystic Mamma, cites in her article, Moontime~ Sacred time for Women

“Traditionally, the Moontime is the sacred time of woman when she is honored as a Mother of the Creative Force. During this time she is allowed to release the old energy her body has carried and prepare for reconnection to the Earth Mother’s fertility that she will carry in the next Moon or month. Our Ancestors understood the importance of allowing each woman to have her Sacred Space during this time of reconnection, because women were the carriers of abundance and fertility…”

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One thing I’ve come to learn in my own experience is how frequently our moon time LITERALLY syncs up with the MOON. That is, the frequency in which women have their period BEGIN with the FULL or the NEW moon. This is fascinating to me, and any supporting research surrounding this is of great interest.

This study explores female menstruation and it’s relationship to the moon cycles, The regulation of menstrual cycle and its relationship to the moon.

Here is a great article from Cycle Harmony that discusses the different moon cycles, and goddesses associated, The Moon Cycle and The Menstrual Cycle

For the sake of brevity we will discuss the history of two cycles (though many women may have their cycles during waxing and waning phases of the moon as well) .

Moonsong has a great article, Menstrual Lunar Asynchrony here is a brief synopsis:

A woman who ovulates during the new moon and menstruates on the full moon is part of the Red Moon Cycle. This cycle represented a woman that was not using her sexual energies for conception, but rather for self expression. Women who had their cycles during this time were looked at as the ‘evil woman’,  witches, seductresses, wise woman, medicine women because they represented women that were not using their sexual forces for only conception. It showed orientation away from the energies of procreation. Energies associated with this cycle: outward, world nourishing, learning to transform energy, turn rage into creative action. Creativity and sexuality may be more pronounced during this cycle.

The goddess associated is Ishtar.


A woman who ovulates during the full moon and menstruates on the new moon is part of the White Moon Cycle. This cycle was thought to create the best conditions for conception and was often seen for being the ‘good mother’, the only aspect of womanhood acceptable to the patriarchal society. Energies associated with this cycle: inward, healing, self-nourishing. Cleansing and purification may be more pronounced during this cycle.

The goddess associated is Hecate.


Often times we can cycle more towards one moon time or another, so we are not fixed in these energies but rather it’s a fluid dance of womanhood to vacillate between the two.

This infographic shows how our cycle is often observed.

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Tracking your cycle can be fun and empowering. MyDays is a good app that allows you to put in your period times so you can become more self-aware! Regardless of where your period falls, our period is a good time to care for ourselves and provide self-love and relief.

Here is an article that discusses good yoga poses for menstruation, Yoga for Menstruation.

Some teas and herbal remedies for menstruation, Herbal Remedies for Menstruation

Check out this article, Can Essential Oils Relieve My Menstrual Cramps?

And Wellness Mamas article, Essential Oils for Hormone Balance

Please comment with any knowledge/experience/research surrounding menstruation!




Moonstone (gemstone)


Love. Power. Healing. Luck.

  • The stone of the goddess, Diana
  • The power of mystery
  • Talisman of the inward journey
  • Going deep into self and retrieving what is missing
  • Travelers Stone: amulet of protection for travelers (especially at night or upon the water)
  • Calms and encourages
  • Teaches us the natural rhythm of life
  • Sacred stone in India- often given as wedding gifts to lovers
  • Reconcile estranged lovers
  • Cure sleeplessness
  • Uplifting quality of hope
  • Enhance personality
  • Feldspar mineral
  • Opens the heart to nurturing qualities and acceptance of love
  • Love, eroticism, kundalini
  • Ultimate fertility crystal
  • Aids dancers in self-expression
  • Necklace worn during love making at the full moon harmonizes body into natural lunar cycle
  • Help calm responses and stress, avoid overreaction
  • Enhances sensitivity and intuition
