Stone of Transformation
Imagination. Intuition. Creativity.
- Demand respect, mesmerize the viewer
- Sooth and welcome
- Personifies the deep healing green of nature; represents innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots and plants
- Assists one in changing situtations/ aid you to take action/ clear blocks and obstructions
- Draws out impurities, stimulates life force
- Protect against evil eye and negative entities
- Cure stomach ailments
- Enhance visionary power
- Ancient Greeks and Romans used it for jewelry, ornaments, and eye-shadow
- Russian czars used it to panel their castles
- Protects against noise, over-bright lighting
- Creates a strong energetic boundary/ strengthens the auric field
- Aids creativity
- Alert you to the approach of danger
- Heart chakra/ stabilize chakras
- Encourages loyalty in partnerships and faithfulness
- Helps you open your heart to others
- Power of coincidence and synchronicty
- Ease the transformation from life to death