Category Archives: Science

Dreamapp: Unlock the Meaning of Your Dreams

“DreamApp finds the meaning of your dreams immediately after you wake up. We explain why you have seen this dream and use it to identify what is blocking your mental health and happiness.

Designed to be your companion and connect the dots between dreams and waking life.

DreamApp analyzes text through a machine learning algorithm to find keys and interpret themes using context and unconscious relationships.”


A NYT article written about dreamapp…

As Dreams of Peace Wither, Nightmares Flourish in Ukraine’s Sleep

Denas Pain Relief Store

Denas Scenar Therapy for Pain Relief

“Scenar Technology was developed over 40 years ago as a natural non invasive, drug free therapy for chronic pain and other health issues that may be caused by inflammation.  SCENAR technology has been used by hospitals, clinics and therapist for decades with clinically proven results. In 1998 Denas MS Corporation created a more advanced technology by blending Chinese traditional acupuncture with Scenar technology, along with biofeedback, and continues as a forerunner in the field. Through application of this therapy, your body quickly responds to the energy helping reduce or eliminate your body’s acute and chronic internal and external issues, thus allowing your body to heal naturally without the adverse side effects of drugs or pharmaceutic”

More information here


Plasma Energy Solution

“Paul and Lynn lived in New Mexico and then Colorado for many years where Paul practiced veterinary medicine. Paul was one of the first veterinarians to study acupuncture for animals in the United States in the mid-70s. 

After retiring from veterinary medicine and moving to Montana Paul never lost interest in alternative therapies and started studying plasma energy technology as taught by nuclear atomic physicist and engineer  who has made information from many of his patents freely available to all who wish to learn about plasma energy.”

More information



Know-how: Canadian hospital first to сure patients with virtual reality (via RT International)

A Calgary hospital has become the first in Canada to treat patients with virtual reality technology. It has seen patients experience a 75-percent reduction in discomfort by escaping their surroundings during painful procedures.

Source: RT International

The Skinny on Collagen

It seems these days there is so much information out there. This or that is good for you, and then just as much information out there that says this or that is bad for you. How can we make decisions when we are constantly fighting over truth and not knowing who or what to trust, and who or what can help us?

Whether we suffer from anxiety, acne, or stomach aches, there just seems to be so many answers, while no answers at all. Nothing seems to work, while we are told to believe that all these magical pills or herbs for that matter will be the solution.

There’s a part of me that doesn’t believe in solutions, or one quick fix, but rather, as many functional medicine doctors would agree, we need to look at the body as a full system and see how everything interacts with each other. In addition, I feel like we relinquish our inner sense of knowing and put our faith entirely into the hand of the experts.

I encourage you to learn to tap into your feelings and intuition and allow that part of yourself to help you make decisions. YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU THINK.


With that being said let’s learn the skinny on another superfood/trendy supplement hitting the streets: COLLAGEN. What’s it all about and how crucial is it that we add it to our green tea avocado matcha smoothies in the morning. Here’s the scoop.

Collagen is the most abundant protein found in your body and the entire animal kingdom. Vital for functioning. 1/3 of all the protein in our bodies; accounts for 75 percent of dry weight of our hair, skin, and nails. It is the glue that holds the body together; the connective tissue: skin/muscle tissue/ bones/tendons.

Collagen production declines naturally as you get older. Some say as early as in our 20’s

Ensuring we have adequate collagen in our bodies is very beneficial. We can either take collagen supplements to achieve this, or eat a diet rich in foods (primarily Vitamin C and antioxidants) that help support our own natural production of collagen. I feel like both are great and beneficial ways to go about. So how about both?!

Here is the science that backs supplemental collagen in helping several health ailments.

So as the science is beginning to show, increasing collagen production has a great impact on supporting supple skin. Others agree, that collagen can be used post-workout to help with muscle repair and support.

Also, there are natural ways to support collagen production:

  • Limit Prolonged Sun Exposure
  • Diet low in sugar, STRESS (big one…), cigarettes etc.
  • Drink lots of water… is this all starting to sound familiar by now?
  • Food
    • citrus fruits
      • oranges, grapefruits, limes, lemons, kiwis
    • dark leafy greens: spinach and kale
    • red fruits and veggies: like beets!
    • orange fruits and veggies: like carrots, sweet potatoes
    • broccoli
    • cauliflower
    • onion, shallots, leeks
    • white tea
    • legumes: peas and lentils
    • nuts
    • garlic
    • avocados
    • chia seeds
    • pumpkin seeds

So I guess essentially, just eating healthy? Either way, here is a nice framework for better understanding our bodies and the ways it produces and intakes collagen.

Thoughts on collagen. Natural VS. Supplementing. What are your tips and tricks for healthy supple skin?