Tag Archives: muscle pain

Denas Pain Relief Store

Denas Scenar Therapy for Pain Relief

“Scenar Technology was developed over 40 years ago as a natural non invasive, drug free therapy for chronic pain and other health issues that may be caused by inflammation.  SCENAR technology has been used by hospitals, clinics and therapist for decades with clinically proven results. In 1998 Denas MS Corporation created a more advanced technology by blending Chinese traditional acupuncture with Scenar technology, along with biofeedback, and continues as a forerunner in the field. Through application of this therapy, your body quickly responds to the energy helping reduce or eliminate your body’s acute and chronic internal and external issues, thus allowing your body to heal naturally without the adverse side effects of drugs or pharmaceutic”

More information here


Peppermint Oil

peppermint oil benefit

(Source: https://draxe.com/peppermint-oil-uses-benefits/)

I like Young Living Essential Oils, they are therapeutic-grade so you can DRINK THEM. 🙂

Peppermint, Mentha piperita, Mentha x piperita is believed to be a hybrid between spearmint Mentha spicata and water mint Mentha aquatica. Commercial cultivation of peppermint began in England about 1750. English production peaked by 1850, after which American producers began to provide competition. The first peppermint commercial production in the United States was in the 1790s in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Peppermint is now produced commercially, mostly for essential oil production in Indiana, Wisconsin, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Today, peppermint oil is valued as much for its therapeutic potential as it is as a flavoring ingredient.

In addition, Positive Health Wellness explores the positive impact that Peppermint Oil also has when treating migraines.

They suggest creating an “Almond Oil and Peppermint Oil” blend to create a topical massage oil to help treat the pain associated with migraines.

“The peppermint oil is part decongestant and part relaxation. It works similarly to eucalyptus oil by reducing inflammation to get rid of a buildup of pressure or a blockage. This will help to get rid of the reason for your nerve pain. At the same time, the oil will help to calm your nerves and get rid of tension.”


What are some ways you use Peppermint oil?