“The P.e.a.c.e. Museum is a hybrid art gallery, auction house and museum located inside American Steel Studios in West Oakland. Our mission is to collaboratively curate ongoing explorations into the nature of reality and consciousness with art, artists and the science that makes it all possible.
We curate fequent art exhibits that are also formalized consciousness experiments. To study these environments we use unified event detectors in the background, and sometimes as part of the exhibit itself: Experibitions. If you are inspired to expand your consciousness and support our mission; Fine Art works are available for acquisition in person, by phone and online via our Double-Blind Bidding and Logical Valuation Matrix. You can find us at events and by appointment- 24/7.
Æthernaut Works is a new division of The P.e.a.c.e. Museum made up of consciousness researchers who are a Lutron certified to provide smart home lighting, programming, design and installation services. We have the ability to install full spectrum lighting controls, with audio and visual equipment to include both immersive residential atmospheric environments and corporate training facilities. Think meditation room, art galleries, corporate chill space, music venues or anyplace an individual or group would like to help reaching their desired brain state.”