Category Archives: Inspiration

Transformative Technology Lab


“The Transformative Technology Lab at Sofia University is the nexus point for Transformative Technology for the academic, industry, and public sectors. We are both a crossroads and a support mechanism for innovators working in these sectors; the lab serves as the central gathering point for the community to stimulate development of scalable transformative technologies.”

A comprehensive look at extraterrestrials…

“As human society makes the necessary transition to world peace and cooperation, I believe we will see a concomitant increase in ETI openness and bilateral communication.  In this sense, the success of the CE-5 Initiative is directly dependent on the peace and unification of the human race.  World peace and world unity and cooperation then are the important determinants of future ETI-Human events.” (Dr. Steven Greer)


“The Disclosure Project is a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret”(

“What is outside is also inside; and what is not outside man is not inside. The outer and the inner are one thing, one constellation, one influence, one concordance, one duration… one fruit” 

-Robert Moss, DreamGates




Am i being stubborn and prideful? Holding on to this city like a frayed purse string , hoping to ‘make it’, figure something out.. all at the expense of my mothers tiny income being wasted away at my seemingly endless dalliances.

How do we know what to do upon graduation? We’re young, we’re horny, we’re like fresh little seedlings that have just praire-dogged our curious little minds into the nature of existence. But how long does this ‘figuring’ out time last? 

How long do we sit here, hoping for a miracle? Doing the work.. but still similarly confused.